Every organization has them: unwritten rules which are much more potent than written ones. These are the social cues that tell employees what is valued in a company, as well as what is dangerous. These rules tell them how to act, behave, and participate in a way that will be successful in the organization.
They are so potent that they can easily outweigh written policies. For example, it doesn't matter how many times a company promotes a written open-door policy if every time someone opens the door, it comes slamming back in their face. Employees learn quickly that the policy doesn't mean squat and that if they want to keep their jobs and be promoted, silence is the best option.
Unwritten rules can be positive as well. If everyone knows that a priority for the owner is family time (as seen in his/her actions), than employees feel more comfortable asking for time off to attend family events.
They can be unspoken and almost invisible, so it's easy to leave them unchecked and unquestioned—but once you look for them, they can lead you straight to the dark underground of your organization.
Here are a few questions to get at the heart of your company's unwritten rules:
1. Does your company promote based on seniority or productivity?
2. Are people appreciated for bringing up tough questions, or is this frowned upon?
3. Is gossip an acceptable way to "get in" and "get up" within the organization?
4. Are you recognized for the work you accomplish or the hours you work?
5. Why do people get promoted? (There are lots of unwritten rules around this one.)
6. Who does the boss or executive team favor, and why?
7. What are the power dynamics in your organization?
8. What are employees verbally appreciated for?
9. Are new ideas from employees taken seriously by management?
10. Who seems "unfireable" and why?
11. What are the top 3 factors the boss says are important? What are the top 3 factors the boss shows are important? (As you can imagine, alignment is both ideal and critical for the company to walk its talk.)
As you're identifying these silent, structural pieces of your culture, consider why they might be unwritten. Who benefits from them? (Do you?)
Now that you see them, which ones are serving your organization positively? Which could be hurting it?
Knowing what you know now, what are you going to do? Or will you stay silent? (Danger, Will Robinson!)